
  • Photo of PI Pro planning to Offer Cross-Border Investigation Services

    PI Pro planning to Offer Cross-Border Investigation Services

    PI Pro (Private Investigation Company) has been serving in Canada especially Ontario for 2 years. With the indispensable success, they’ve achieved in the short term, they are now planning to expand their operations worldwide. Currently, it is operating in Canadian regions including Toronto, Oakville, Scarborough, Richmond Hill, and more. “We’re planning to move forward and provide better private investigation services beyond Canada. Currently, our target is to set up our operations in Dubai & United States.”, says Aarzu – Head of Operations, PI Pro The key services that PI Pro aims to provide cross-border are fraud cases investigation, infidelity cases…

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  • Photo of List of Software Houses in Pakistan

    List of Software Houses in Pakistan

    Due to the advancement of technology over a period of time, the work which was done manually is now done by software. This is due to the need for improved efficiency and reliability. This change has gradually bought an increase in demand for software professionals and software houses to cater to the needs. Software houses provide you tools that make it possible for you in a much quicker, reliable, and better way to manage your business operations. It is most important for you to select a suitable software development company to fulfill the need and find solutions to the problem…

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  • Photo of ADB decides to issue $20 million bonds to Pakistan

    ADB decides to issue $20 million bonds to Pakistan

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will issue bonds worth a total of $20 million dollars to Pakistan for its betterment. The purpose of issuing bonds in Pakistani currency is to provide assistance in local currency operations, ADB said.ADB ISLAMABAD: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will issue bonds worth a total of 200 million in Pakistani currency for Pakistan. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said in a tweet on its social networking site Twitter that Pakistan had approved the ADB to issue bonds worth a total of Rupees 200 million in Pakistani currency. ADB says the issuance of bonds in Pakistani currency…

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  • Photo of EasyPaisa SME Easy Business Facility

    EasyPaisa SME Easy Business Facility

    After Telenor has founded its microfinance banking loans it has now come forward to introduce another platform through Easypaisa for the SMEs to facilitate them.Easypaisa which is operated by Telenor microfinance bank has launched its Easypaisa portal to offer services to SMEs, especially during the current ongoing pandemic. Easypaisa has collaborated with Finja to provide a wide range of services for our small and mid-scale business sector. In collaboration with Finja, which is a newly set up financial service provider that connects the business to interact with other professionals, Easypaisa has designed this portal to empower businesses with their day…

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