
12 Highly Paid Bank CEOs in Pakistan (2020)

In the competitive banking industry of Pakistan, there are great and smart minds working behind to move banking sector to next-level. With over 25 commercial banks, Pakistan continues to grow financially. The minds who are backing up this success and changing the banking industry are now highly paid bank CEOs in Pakistan.

Note that these minds approve the change and support the improvement with their leadership. The real workers and credit-holders are no doubt the actual field workers, the master minds in the role of assistance, strategy makers, and more under these leaders.

Following Bank CEOs are highly paid CEOs of Pakistan as per 2020’s reports:-

RankBank CEO NameAnnual SalaryBank Name
1Muhammad Aurangzeb KhanRs. 219 MillionHBL Bank
2Irfan SiddiquiRs. 215 MillionMeezan Bank
3Shahzad DadaRs. 171 MillionStandard Chartered Bank
4Nauman AnsariRs. 154 MillionBank Al Falah
5Mohsin NathaniRs. 113 MillionHabib Metro Bank
6Imran MaqboolRs. 108 MillionMCB Bank
7Shahid SatarRs. 100 MillionSamba Bank
8Sima KamilRs. 94 MillionUBL Bank
9Mansoor Ali KhanRs. 90.3 MillionBank Al Habib
10Yusuf HussainRs. 79 MillionFaysal Bank
11Arif UsmaniRs. 58 MillionNational Bank
12Tahir Hassan KhanRs. 56 MillionAllied Bank
Highest Paid Bank CEOs in 2019

Some of the CEOs are now replaced with new ones as in the case of UBL Bank where Sima Kamil is replaced with Shahzad Dada who was the CEO of Standard Chartered Bank. Their updated salaries will be reported in 2021 as per financial reports and the success they’ll drive to the respective bank.

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