
PI Pro planning to Offer Cross-Border Investigation Services

PI Pro (Private Investigation Company) has been serving in Canada especially Ontario for 2 years. With the indispensable success, they’ve achieved in the short term, they are now planning to expand their operations worldwide. Currently, it is operating in Canadian regions including Toronto, Oakville, Scarborough, Richmond Hill, and more.

“We’re planning to move forward and provide better private investigation services beyond Canada. Currently, our target is to set up our operations in Dubai & United States.”, says Aarzu – Head of Operations, PI Pro

The key services that PI Pro aims to provide cross-border are fraud cases investigation, infidelity cases investigation, digital business scam investigation, and related.

Announced further, PIPro also aiming to partner with Digital Setups for the long-term to carry out their digital marketing operations.

“The company can expand its business operations better only with better knowledge of its customers. We believe to have a long-term successful partnership with our marketing partner Digital Setups.”, added Aarzu.

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