
List of Ufone Call Packages 2020

Ufone is one of the biggest telecommunication brands in Pakistan. It has a huge consumer base all across the country with around 22 million subscribers. In addition to delivering the lowest call rates, Ufone provides clear sound and the fastest network, with standardized tariffs and no hidden charges. Moreover, now Ufone is accessible in all areas of Pakistan. You can now enjoy extensive coverage in areas such as GT Lane, Super Highway & Motorway, and the rest. So, it does not matter wherever you are in Pakistan.

Ufone keeps you connected to your loved ones. Staying linked to your loved ones via phone calls or SMS is an essential requirement today. In Pakistan, various telecommunications firms offer various services at different prices. Yet certainly customers prefer products that fulfill their needs at a minimal price. Nonetheless, it is also difficult to test all packages. So, to help you find out the most suitable calls packages by Ufone we have written down today’s article which is all about Ufone call packages.

Ufone 3 pe 3 offer

You can activate Ufone 3 pe 3 offer and 2 hours long calls in just Rs. 6

Package3 Pe 3 Offer
PriceRs. 6 including taxes
Validity2 hours
DetailsMake 2-hour long calls 
Subscription code*343# or activate through My Ufone app under Bundles -> Offers option.

Ufone Beyhisaab Offer

Ufone beyhisab offer is designed to provide unlimited minutes to users in just Rs. 14.5 including taxes for a whole day.

PackageBeyhisaab Offer
PriceRs. 14.5 incl. tax.
Validity1 day
DetailsUnlimited minutes at Rs. 14.5 incl. tax
Subscription code*5700#

Ufone Postpaid call packages

Ufone has also offered several postpaid packages to its customers is reasonable rates. Now you can subscribe to Ufone prime call on-net minute to enjoy 1500 on-net minutes. Prime unlimited call package allows users to enjoy unlimited minutes while subscribing to prime off-net bundle you can enjoy 250 off-net minutes.

Prime Call (On Net)

PackagePrimeCall 1500
PriceRs. 200
Subscription code*2525#

 Prime Call (Unlimited)

PackagePrime Call (Unlimited)
PriceRs. 500
Subscription code*2500#

PrimeTalk (Off Net)

PackagePrimeTalk (Off Net)
PriceRs. 250
Details250 off-net minutes
Subscription code  *4848#

PrimeTalk 500

PackagePrimeTalk 500
Price  Rs. 500
Details  500 off-net minutes
Subscription code  *5656#

These are all the call packages offered by Ufone to its customers. There are also various SMS packages designed by Ufone for its users are very low rates. *You can go through Ufone SMS Packages in Pakistan on our website* Meanwhile if we talk about internet Ufone offers 3g and 4gb internet packages to its users from 5rs to 1000rs range which you can subscribe to according to your preferences. You can check Ufone Internet Packages 2020 to get updated about the latest internet packages by Ufone.

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