
Petrol Prices in Pakistan

The federal government of Pakistan has announced the rise in petroleum prices lately. A slight change in the prices of petrol has a huge impact on the country.

The price of high-speed diesel (HSD) was raised to Rs.101.46 per liter from the existing price of Rs80.15, a leap of Rs21.31. Petrol and HSD are two main commodities that produce much of the government’s revenue due to its immense but growing use in the country. Hence a rise in the petrol prices will cause a massive increase in the revenue of the government.

Let us look at the updated price of petrol in Pakistan 2020.

Fuel type: Premium super
Rs. 103.97 /Ltr
                                    Fuel type: High Speed Diesel
                                                Rs. 106.46 /Ltr
                                  Fuel type: Light Speed Diesel 
                                              Rs. 62.86 /Ltr 
                                       Fuel type: Kerosene Oil 
                                                 Rs. 65.29 /Ltr 

Above mentioned rates are according to the Pakistan petroleum price per liter today. Last month, prices of all petroleum products except high-speed diesel were lowered to partially illustrate the effect of a global foreign price cut on the public. Therefore, the rise in the price of petrol came as a big shock to the people as the government had promised to reduce the price of petrol. This rise will not only affect People are aware that if the price of petrol continues to increase, but the country will also face inflation. However, there is no certainty of the prices as the government of Pakistan is working to achieve the goals for the betterment of the country in the near future. 

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