
How to check vehicle online registration in Pakistan

Many changes have taken place in different sectors of industries. Now people can check vehicle registration and other important information online. Such inventions have been very groundbreaking for the many local tools that we use almost on a daily basis. So, let us look at the procedure to find out about the registration of a vehicle in Pakistan.

Verification of vehicle through Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control Department Government of Sindh official website

You can verify your vehicle from the official website of Excise, Taxation, and Narcotics Control Department Government of Sindh official. All you need to do is visit the website, click on the online vehicle registration from the option (online services), enter your vehicle registration number, and find out the related information. You can also check the taxes applicable to your vehicle.  However, this service is only for the people in Sindh.

Check vehicle registration in Karachi, Sindh via SMS

You can check your vehicle registration by sending the vehicle registration number on the following numbers

 0300-2011151 or 0300-2011161. You will receive a reply within 5 minutes. The online authentication method has now been optimized for ease of use, so users have already become used to it. The Sindh government is working towards making this service better.

Check vehicle registration in Lahore, Punjab via SMS

You can check your vehicle registration in Lahore and other areas of Punjab by sending your vehicle registration number e.g. LEV 09 2678 and send it to the 9966. You will get a reply within 5 minutes with complete details of your vehicle.

Check vehicle registration in Islamabad via SMS

To check your vehicle registration in Islamabad, all you have to do is send your chassis number (vehicle last 6 digits number) on 8521 and you will receive a reply within 5 minutes with complete information.

These easy steps have now saved your ample time and you can check your vehicle registration with few clicks.

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