
All Telenor Internet Packages in Pakistan

Telenor is among Pakistan’s largest telecommunications brands with about 45 million subscribers. It is a global corporation that operates in many countries across the globe and offers the best services. Telenor has delivered a range of low-cost calls, SMS, and internet packages in Pakistan So that people can enjoy limitless phone calls, texting, and the internet without having to spend so much on mobile phone packages. Let us today look at the internet packages offered by Telenor.

4G Daily Lite Bundle

Telenor 4G Daily lite bundle offers its users 50mb internet in just Rs. 14.28 for a whole day. You can subscribe to this offer by dialing *12#

Price: Rs. 14.28

Details: 50mb mobile data

Validity: 1 day

Subscription code: *12#

Raat Din Offer

By subscribing to Telenor Raat din offer you can get 1.5GB mobile data for 12 hours from 12 AM to 12 PM in just Rs. 18.

Price: Rs. 18

Details 1.5 GB mobile data

Validity 12 Hours (12AM – 12PM)

Subscription code: Dial *150#

4G 3 Day Bundle

4g 3-day bundle provides users with 1000mb internet including 500mb valid till 12 am-8 am for 3 days in just Rs. 44

Price: Rs 44

Details: 1000mb mobile data

Validity: 3 days

Subscription code: *32#

Weekly 6 to 6 Offer

Subscribe to weekly 6 to 6 offers and enjoy 4000mb mobile data for 7 days valid till 6 am-6 pm in just Rs. 55 including tax.

Price: Rs. 55

Details: 4000mb mobile data

Validity: 7 days from 6am to 6pm

Subscription code: *71#

4G Late Night Offer

Telenor has offered you the best 4G late-night offer where you can get 20GB internet for 7 days 12 am to 9 am in just Rs. 50.

Price: Rs. 50

Details: 20GB internet

Validity: 7 days from 12am-9am

Subscription code: Dial *19#

Weekly Internet All in One

Subscribe to Telenor weekly internet all in one offer and get 1500mb internet, 50 off-net minutes, and 1000 on-net minutes for 7 days in just Rs. 130.

Price: Rs.130

Details: Internet 1,500 MB, On net 1000, Offnet 50 Min

Validity: 7 days

Subscription code: Dial *345*75#

Mega Weekly Easy Card

Get your weekly mega easy card which offers 2000 Telepnor+PTCL on-net minutes, offnet 70 minutes, SMS 2000, and Internet 10,000 MB (Incl. 5000 MB 1 AM – 11 AM) in just Rs. 222 for a week.

Price: Rs. 222

Details: 2000 telenor+PTCL on-net minutes, 70 off-net minutes, 2000 SMS and 10,000mb internet

Validity: 1 week

Subscription code: Dial *001# to Activate Now

4G Weekly Super

4G weekly super bundle offers all the Telenor users 4000MB mobile data (incl. 2000MB 1 AM to 11 AM) for 7 days in just Rs. 110 including tax for a week.

Price: Rs. 110

Details: Internet 4000MB incl. 2000MB 1AM to 11AM

Validity: 7 days

Subscription code: Dial *288#

4G Weekly Ultra

Telenor weekly ultra-package offers Internet 8GB + 1GB Goonj valid for 7 days in just Rs. 185 plus tax.

Price: Rs. 185+ tax

Details: 8GB internet with 1GB Goonj

Validity: 7 days

Subscription code: Dial *336#

4G Weekly Ultra Plus

Now you can enjoy 20GB mobile data (10GB includes 1 AM-11 AM validity) in just Rs. 240 for a whole week by subscribing to 4G weekly ultra-package.

Price: Rs. 240

Details: 20GB mobile data 

Validity: 7 days

Subscription: Dial *225#

4G Monthly Lite

Subscribe to Telenor 4G monthly lite and get 2000 MB with 1000 MB for WhatsApp/Goonj/GameBox for a month in just Rs. 150.

Price: Rs. 150

Details: 2000 MB with 1000 MB for WhatsApp/Goonj/GameBox

Validity: 30 days

Subscription code: Dial *301#

4G Monthly Starter Bundle

You can subscribe to Telenor 4G monthly starter bundle and get 8000 MB (incl. 4000 MB 1 AM – 7 AM) for 30 days in just Rs. 300. 

Price: Rs. 300

Details: 8000 MB (incl. 4000 MB 1AM – 7AM)

Validity: 30 days

Subscription code: Dial *302

Monthly Facebook & WhatsApp

Enjoy unlimited Facebook and WhatsApp by activating to Telenor monthly Facebook and WhatsApp offer and get 3000MB for Facebook and WhatsApp and 100mb for the internet in just Rs. 44.45 for a month.

Price: Rs. 44.5

Details: 3000 MB for Facebook and WhatsApp and 100mb for the internet.

Validity: 30 days

Subscription code: Dial *911#

All the packages and their charges are taken from Telenor official website. You can also learn about the latest SMS packages offered by Telenor in 2020.

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