
Most Asked Digital Marketing Interview Questions

A digital marketing expert is someone who works with the marketing department of a company to define a target audience, develop a brand identity, and establish and manage a marketing plan on the internet and digital technologies. As digital marketing is growing at a fast rate, competition for digital marketing experts has risen substantially. Online marketing is also a dynamic career choice and offers a platform for someone who wants to pursue something new and out of the box. 

So, if you are applying for a digital marketing job and wondering what questions you would be asked during the interview then this is exactly where you should be. Our today’s article will tell you about the most asked interview questions for a digital marketing expert.

1) Explain what is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the marketing aspect that incorporates digital technologies focused on the internet and online, such as desktop computers, smartphones, and other new media and platforms to advertise goods and services.

2) How can you categorize digital marketing?

Digital marketing is categorized into two segments including inbound marketing and secondly, outbound marketing. Inbound marketing is all about the management of social media, e-books, webinars, and e-newsletter while outbound marketing is about placing ads, sending emails, or reaching out to interested customers.

3) What makes digital marketing different from traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing covers:

Finding target markets locally, creating physical marketing content, depending on traditional delivery channels, and offering promotions in person.

However, digital marketing involves:

optimizing consumers from a worldwide community, engaging with viewers, using multiple distribution platforms focused on consumer expectations and tastes, and organizing online marketing events. 

4) What type of content makes an effective digital marketing campaign?

The digital marketing campaign can be perfect if it falls under the following main categories.

Mobile considerations, organic search, social media marketing, content marketing and lead nurturing are the five most essential components of a digital campaign. All of these components together make a proper strategy for digital marketing

5) Explain what is SEO?

SEO is the process of improving the efficiency and quantity of website traffic by improving the accessibility of a website or web page to web search engine users. The SEO contributes to increasing unpaid results which eliminates overt traffic and pay placement purchases.

6) What is the standard SEO strategy method you use? How do you approach SEO?

In answering this question, you have to explain how you use tools such as Ahrefs and Moz to study keywords and create relevant, high ranking SEO content. Speak about using tools such as Google Analytics to analyze traffic statistics and patterns on your website, and how you use those metrics to advise and assess your SEO strategies. Also, describe how tools such as Google’s Search Performance Evaluator Guides are used to establish efficient ways to boost rankings for a site.

7) Describe the sales funnel and why it is important to digital marketing.

The sales funnel is a digital marketing concept in which potential investors are led through a sequence of activities or acts that can be laid out in a funnel shape. This model is important for digital marketing as it describes how consumers are reached at any point of the purchasing process

8) What are some digital marketing tools used that you have experienced and what are some of your favorite marketing tools and platforms?

When answering this question, you should keep some things in mind including, if you are interacting with an existing digital marketing department, do some homework to figure out what communications tools to channels the department can use. If you have previously used those tools then it’s perfect. If not, then just get to know about some basics and you can do good. Being familiar with the central, industry norm tools keeps you in a strong position for most interviews. Be sure you’ve been with the common suspect’s sites such as Google Analytics, Moz, Ahrefs, Meetedgar, Hubspot, etc. 

9) List down some of the useful online marketing tools.

Google Analytics

Digital point keyword tracker

Crazy egg heat maps

Keyword discovery


XML Sitemap Generator

Favicon generator

SubmitExpress Link Popularity

10) Tell us about on-page and off-page optimization.

The on-page optimization deals directly with the content and the structure of the website while off-page optimization is the method of increasing the rating of the search engine by having external links leading back to it.

11) Tell us about a successful digital marketing plan you have ever worked for, what challenges did you faced and why was it successful?

You should be clear on what you think a true digital marketing strategy is like. Outline the achievements like the ways you improved site views, conversion levels, search engine results, etc. But should not prevent itself from highlighting the obstacles conversion tactics that didn’t succeed. The answer should base upon how you strived and found solutions to your problems. 

12) Tell us about a digital marketing campaign you have worked for which went against your plans and the reason for its failure.

Interviewers don’t wait to know you never have losses (which isn’t realistic). You should be honest with your answer as the interviewer looks for honesty. Every job has highs and lows which you have to go through. You should tell them how and what answers did you find to your problems.

13) What is the standard SEO strategy method you use? How do you approach SEO?

In answering this question, you have to explain how you use tools such as Ahrefs and Moz to study keywords and create relevant, high ranking SEO content. Speak about using tools such as Google Analytics to analyze traffic statistics and patterns on your website, and how you use those metrics to advise and assess your SEO strategies. Also, describe how tools such as Google’s Search Performance Evaluator Guides are used to establish efficient ways to boost rankings for a site. 

14) What method do you use to encourage the customer feedback

The answer to this question should explain what type of customer feedback is important and what method you use to get improved customer feedback. You should know that the direct feedback from the customers is the most effective one. You also have to cover the A / B Testing method which is a common approach for testing digital marketing campaigns to determine the form the customer prefers, two iterations (A and B) of digital content are sent to a target audience. If you are familiar with A / B testing then it is perfect for you but if you have no idea about it then you should cover this topic from the internet before the interview.

15) What are the ways to avoid the penalty?

To avoid a penalty, you should never try to link other sites with bad page ranking, you should avoid stealing the content from other domains, avoid redirecting users to a different page through refresh meta-tags and avoid words like “link” when you hypertext this text to give the link to your site it becomes poison words.

16) What makes a link “bad links” 

A bad link contains

Links from different sites that are not related to your sites, links from low Page Rank and Low traffic, links from link exchanges, links from those sites that are not in Google index, paid links, link from the same anchor texts coming from multiple sites and spam links from blogs or articles.

17) Explain what is advertising on PPC or Pay Per Click?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, an internet marketing strategy in which advertisers pay a fee each time you click on one of their advertisements. It’s basically a way to buy visitors to the site instead of attempting to “earn” those trips organically. Search engine advertising is the most common method of PPC advertising.

18) What is Google AdWords?

AdWords (Google AdWords) is Google’s advertising platform for companies wanting to display advertisements on Google and its advertising network. The AdWords platform helps advertisers to set an advertisement budget and only pay when users click on the advertisements. The ad company relies primarily on keywords.

19) What is the limit for the characters in Adwords Ads?

The headlines and subheadlines should not exceed 30 characters and should be below 90 characters.

20) Name some of the Google AdWords ad extensions?

Promote extension

Structured snippet extension

Sitelink extension

Affiliate location extension

App extension

Call extensions

Callout Extension

21) List down what are the main elements for maximizing conversion rates per PPC?

To maximize the conversion rate per PPC, you should write persuasive content on your blog that is specific to your keyword or search query, ensure a high degree of consistency between your ads and the related landing pages, test the architecture of your landing page that should have the correct mix of color, interface and GUI to draw more consumers, and lastly, the website should be easy to download, sign up for a newsletter or create a website.

22) What is the right approach for effective PPC (pay per click campaign)?

For an effective pay per click campaign, you need to add more PPC keywords in your content, review expensive and underperforming keywords, split the ad-groups into smaller and relevant ad-groups, ad non-converting phrases/negative keywords to boost campaign effectiveness and reduce wasteful spending.

23) What kind of work team environment do you prefer?

You should be honest with your answer. Even if the working style is out of your comfort zone don’t lie. Just tell them what kind of environment do you prefer. If the marketing department for whom you are going to work has a professional style that is entirely outside of your comfort zone, perhaps this particular job will not be a good match for you. That said, most digital marketing departments are diverse and versatile, so if the boss understands what kind of atmosphere best suits you, they will help you find a place on the team that meets your requirement.

24) What kind of management style do you respond best to?

You should Be as flexible and clear-minded as you can when explaining your ideal management style, but don’t be nervous about letting it be known if there is something that works best for you.

25) How do you catch up with news and developments in the industry and how you relate that to your work?

The digital marketing environment is continuously evolving, with new Google search systems, new branding techniques, innovative tech platforms, etc. If you want to keep up with updates from the industry If so, just pen down your list of favorite sources of news and why they’re successful at keeping you in updated. But if you’ve overlooked marketing news then take a few minutes to find some fitting news sites on different social media platforms like Twitter to get yourself prepared for the interview. 

26) What are the limitations of Online Marketing?

Some of the limitations of online marketing include:

  1. Intense competition, as online marketing has become a popular approach for most brands, as internet marketing is readily available and cost-effective. But being recognized in such heavy competition is an uphill task.
  2. It can be overwhelming sometimes, as there are so much data and knowledge and an explosion of resources that it’s possible to get distracted and confused. Getting your hands around all of the information takes a lot of preparation and experience.
  3. Analytics is useful for anything so you can’t do something about basic data unless you learn how to read and interpret it. Often things can get confusing and you can get lost in chasing meaningless indicators and spending cash in the wrong places.

27) What are the four C’s in Digital marketing?

Customer – Who sees the message

Content – The message customer sees

Context – Why the Customer sees the message.

Conversation – Happens between you and your customer.

28) Differentiate between AdWords and AdSense.

AdWords allows businesses to advertise on Google’s network and AdSense enables advertisers to assign space on their website for AdWords placements. Both AdWords and AdSense work together to build Google’s advertisement network: domain operators building space for Google advertisements (AdSense) and companies start setting budgets and promotions for advertisement (AdWords) network display.

29) Name 3 email marketing tools.

Campaign Monitor, Litmus, MailGenius.

30) What attracted you to the Digital Marketing industry?

The interviewer needs to know your contribution to the industry for this question. So, it’s important to give the industry full dedication and enthusiasm.

These are all the questions that can be asked during the interview for digital marketing. Just keep your mind relaxed and don’t panic. You will ace the interview. 

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