
No Classes No Fee: Protest by Students

On June 7, 2020, Twitter was bumped up with #NoClassesNoFee trend as a protest by students all around Pakistan. Pakistani students are facing serious difficulties in getting education online because of poor quality online infrastructure in most institutes and training centers.

Recently talking with a well-known Government sector university professor in Pakistan, we were requested to guide him and their colleagues on how to deliver online lectures. Surprisingly, he shared that their Rector or VC has happilily announced on media that: “They are successfully delivering education via online mediums.” The professor told us that its all fake. They were not even called for all this and university have not a strategic or even independent to professors any medium of online education delivery.

We then researched and asked students of that university via social media. All of them reported us that some of the professors are yet learning how to record courses or come live. Others are waiting for someone to come and help them directly. Few of them are making efforts to deliver lectures via Google Classes, groups, and Youtube. But their lecture quality is not acceptable as they’re not used of it.

Government has failed to actually take strategic and effective decisions about their future. They’re still learning the ways to utilize digital era facilities while investing huge amount of money on foreign people to guide them how it works.

Gesture by Students of Pakistan

Reputed web design company also shared that they’re helping teachers of well-known universities to record, edit, and publish their lectures online.

In all this crisis, educational institutes are asking for fee to students while delivering nothing. In fact they’re just bragging on the media that they’ve did this or that.

This has to be changed.

HEC is as usual doing nothing except to claim that: “We’re working on to provide better education to our students and make their career prosper”.

In another report, HEC said: “Those who don’t like acquiring education online should freeze their semesters”.

Seriously? Do they even know how to ‘deliver online education’ and ‘actually making it effective’?

We seriously don’t know when their dramatic words will end.

It’s not a news anymore. It has become reality and so, we’ve quoted many messages from real students below.

Not every student has easy access to internet. @hecpkofficial has to come up with an ease for such students who are compelled to travel miles just for the sake of #onlineclasses by promoting them without examinations. #NoClassesNoFee #HEC_JawaabDou

Jaweria Sheikh via Twitter

This is very sad to hear, Hamaray mutalbat sunain aur uska jawab dain, hawa main bluff mat krain. #NoClassesNoFee #StudentsPressConf_ISB

Malik Waqas Saleem via Twitter

if HEC think promotion is out of question then they should give us proper semester #NoClassesNoFee

Students are not mentally prepared and also not aware how to attend online classes with untrained Teachers. Students are facing issues i.e Poor Internet, Electricity #NoClassesNoFee

Syed Husnain

Education is a matter of life and death for Pakistan. #NoClassesNoFee

Syed Uzair Ahmad

Dear HEC. its easy to decide to take online classes but students from backward areas have faced so many problems. you should consider that problems #NoClassesNoFee

Eshmal Fatima

#NoClassesNoFee We have paid for effective education not for poor education (online study ).It is very difficult for those students who paid their semester fees by doing jobs. So, don’t play with our future.

Online exams are nothing except formality it’s useless unless students are even unable to solve the question it’s not only the loss of today’s students but also with many other bad consequences in future too #NoClassesNoFee

Syed Hashim

I absolutely agree with the word #NoClassesNoFee These times are hard on us. No parents deserve to stay up all night worrying about fee deadlines and their corona affected loved ones. Some sort of formula needs to be worked out to pay the teachers.

Taimoor Ali Maher

#NoClassesNoFee difficulties are facing by students not by the policy makers

Syed Mehran Shah

Why We Should Pay University Fee..

We Use Our Own Capability, Electricity & Devices. So HEC Representative: Kindly Wave Off Our Fees & Ordered Universities To Stop That Online Drama & Promote Us. Insaaf Karna He Tu Brabari Ka Karo Sarey Students Key Sath. #NoClassesNoFee

Rabia Majeed via Twitter

Education a business, Health a business- is there something we can have as a human capital investment? #noclassesnofee

Nawab Khair Muhammad Baloch via Twitter

Online exams are nothing except formality it’s useless unless students are even unable to solve the question it’s not only the loss of today’s students but also with many other bad consequences in future too #NoClassesNoFee

Ahmed Farhad

There is a lot more by students on social media. It’s just a small proof.

If you’re a student then, we request to write down in comments as a vote and a stand with other students.

You can directly message us via Twitter or Facebook to publish your story, message, and related news.

Do follow us to stay updated with this No Classes No Fee protest on social media.

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